Wednesday, November 12, 2008

To Vaccinate or Not That is the Question

Tuesday we went to Nathan's pediatrician to get two more vaccinations. Currently we are on what Dr. Sears would call a "selective vaccination schedule." Nathan is not getting all of the recommended vaccinations on the American Academy of Pediatrics Vaccination Schedule. After MUCH research into all of the vaccinations including how they are made, what they contain and all of the possible side effects, Sam and I decided to opt out of some and delay others.

We were also able to attend a lecture given by Dr. Sears just a month or two before Nathan was born and ask him some of our questions and get feedback on some of our concerns. During a time when vaccinations are being looked at as a link between Autism it is scary to be making such a descion that could affect our child's life one way or the other. To vaccinate or not that was the question and after agonizing over the answer I feel good about our decision.

Nathan is not being vaccinated for Polio and he will not be vaccinated for Hep B until his teen years rather than in infancy. (No chance of any STD's here so this one is not a problem at all!) His DTaP vaccine is the Daptacel brand and while it does conatin a moderate amount of aluminum, it doesn't conatin any cow's blood or cow serem. He also only gets no more than two vaccines in each visit and only one that conatins aluminum each time. If you would like to do your own research Dr. Sears' Vaccine Book is a great place to start! I cannot even tell you all of the information I have gained from it.

I also cannot be more grateful to have found a pediatrician as great as ours that is willing to work with us and what we want for Nathan. She always shares her expertise and advice, but never tries to steer us away from what we want. She just makes sure we get both sides of the story and I am so grateful. She gets that I'm neurotic and she loves us anyway!

If you're looking for a pediatrician in the Fresno area e-mail me at and I'd be happy to pass along her contact information.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is Natural Always Safest?

So although we are currently in a plunging economy that is in desperate need of help, we have recenly been programmed to buy into the whole idea of "Organic." Even though organic products cost more, we are assured that they are more than worth the extra cost because our physical and mental health are at risk. There is everything from organic food to organic hand sanitizer. And I am the frist to admit that I have bought into this whole heartedly. Afterall, it's only the best for my son, right?

We have organic foods, shampoo, bibs, hand sanitizer, blankets and more. I guess I feel that Nathan has come into this world so pure that I don't want to taint him with anything. I have been so broadsided by the idea of "organic" that I had it wrapped up in the same package with "natural." If it's made from natural ingredients it must be safe, right? Well today I was given a new perspective and now I'm not so sure. I believed the difference between organic and natural ingredients to be that Organic is derived from products that are not treated with pesticides or hormones and natural refers to products created from materials and elements found in mothernature. Similar, but not the same.

Anyway, I have been so cautious about what I introduce Nathan's body, particularly vaccines (I will get into this more later). I have not wanted to medicate him with even the smallest amount of Tylenol. I am so afraid that his tiny body will get used to medication and become immune to it not to mention any potential harm it may do to him as well. But with Nathan teething these last few weeks I went in search of something to provide him some relief and comfort.

First I tried pacifiers and teethers. He really didn't like either and especially not chilled. Then I tried massaging his gums . . . bad idea. His gums are tender and aching and the last thing he wants is me putting more pressure on them! Ooops. So I looked at Baby Orajel, but I didn't feel good about using a numbing agent like Benzocaine. So after a quick "Google Search" for all natural teething relief I discovered several brands of all natural teething tablets. One was lactose free the other not. One dissolved under the tongue and the other had to be dilluted and then rubbed on. I thought I was in luck.

However, after a visit to our pediatrician, whom I just love by the way, she mentioned how surprised she was that I was using these homeopatic teething tablets. She said she was so surprised considering how cautious I am. As soon as she said those words to me I knew exactly what she was referring to - Belladonna, an ingredient in these natural teething tablets. So home to research I went.

This information is among my findings: Belladonna is herb that has been used for centuries for a variety of indications, including headache, menstrual symptoms, peptic ulcer disease, inflammation, and motion sickness. Belladonna is known to contain active agents with anticholinergic properties, such as the tropane alkaloids atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine. While there is currently insufficient scientific evidence regarding the use of belladonna for this or any other indication. Common adverse effects include dry mouth, urinary retention, flushing, pupillary dilation, constipation, confusion, and delirium. Many of these effects may occur at therapeutic doses.

In children, death can be caused by a small amount of belladonna. Several reports of accidental belladonna overdose and death are reported. Belladonna overdose can also occur when it is applied to the skin. Belladonna overdose is highly dangerous and should be treated by qualified medical professionals. Because belladonna can slow the movement of food and drugs through the stomach and gut, the side effects may go on long after the belladonna is swallowed.

So after discussing this issue with Sam we decided to get rid of the teething tablets and give baby orajel a try. And while I know people who swear by these teething tablets and their children are as healthy as can be, they just aren't for us. I will keep you all posted on how it goes.

(For more information on Belladonna go to

Let's Talk Mommy

So being a first time Mommy has brought many changes to my life. Some expected and some very unexpected. I have always been a person who is very organized in some things and very unorganized in others. I have been known to procrastinate, especially on those term papers during my college days, and running 15 minutes late meant it was a good day. I have always loved "to do" lists, my favorite part being the moment I could strike a line through the chore, thus signaling a new accomplishment. However, me saying that the birth of my son Nathan, has brought change to my life is a huge understatement.

Earning my B.S. in Child Development from Cal Poly required me to learn about the development of children and keep up with the ever growing changes in developmental theories, philosophies of child rearing, teaching practices and so much more. I felt that I was always learning something new and that all my education would prepare me for the day that I became a mommy myself. Was I wrong! While it has of course been so beneficial to me as a parent, nothing could have really prepared me for Mommyhood . . . well except Mommyhood.

It has been such a blessing and the greatest job I have ever had. It has also come with the greatest risks and the biggest rewards. To know that I (well, and my husband Sam too) am responsible for another human beings life, care taking and well being is still so unbelievable. My little guy relies on us for everything right now. Food, warmth, shelter, playtime, naptime, safety and LOVE. UNBELIEVABLE! And thanks to Sam, I get to stay home with my son each day tending to his needs and relishing in each moment as he grows. Did I mention what a blessing it has all been?

So, in the midst of all of this introduction to Mommyhood, I have done more research in the past 13 months than I did in my four years of college! I have looked into everything from slings to vaccines and I still can't get enough! Everytime I turn around there is another decision to be made, a new baby gadget devised, or another article to read. Sound familiar to anyone? So I thought I'd start blogging about the endless research, great finds, unforgettable moments, and the constant changes we endure in Mommyhood. If anything, it will be my mommy diary. . . so let's talk mommy.